Ivy Fu is a sound designer and composer currently studying at Oberlin under Tom Lopez. Her passion and experiences across different disciplines such as interactive technology, art history, English/Chinese literature and education has given her a chance to explore the application of sounds in various hybrid art forms.

Her musical work ranges from instrumental compositions to studies in music concrete, and from spatial-acoustic audio to generative patches in MaxMSP. She has also made sound sculptures and programmed interactive sound installations in python and supercollider. Recently she is working on soundscape compositions that’s converse between the idea of slow listening and “slow looking”, an idea that she’s greatly inspired by as a student guide at Cleveland Museum of Art. She’s excited to experiment with some ideas she’s read about in Hildegard Westerkamp and Natasha Barrett’s research, to recognize the potential of sounds in their natural environments, and to create sonic experience that accentuate the landscape around us.

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